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Birth stories, fertility, labor and delivery, miscarriage, and mothering: Indie Birth
Positive birth stories to encourage you: Built To Birth
A story of Radical Birth
In the book “A story of Radical Birth Love” by Maryn Green and Margo Blackstone, they truly captured the meaning of ‘radical birth love’. Radical means very new and different from the usual or ordinary, and if any book is to capture that meaning it would be this one. Birth nowadays have been planned and processed in the eyes of so many to the point where the true meaning of birth and love have been lost in connection with. Meanwhile when you read this book, Margo and Maryn were brave enough to share their stories of a new ordinary that's been around for thousands of years but that has also been hidden and avoided these recent years.
What I truly loved about these books was the honest truth that was told about labor and birth. What was necessary and what was not necessary. The chapter about life and death as well. The painful moments and days that we as women need to acknowledge that Margo does an amazing job on discussing.
If I were to recommend this book to anybody, I would recommend this book to those who have a passion inside of themselves about birth that should be considered as the normal. For those who are testing out the waters and really want some affirmation about natural and free births for themselves. If you are one of the many women who needs that extra push to have the birth that you want and need, don't wait any longer.
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering
“Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering” written by Sarah Buckley is a book that all expecting mothers should read. She truly captured the true meaning of gentleness and all the ways of approaching motherhood and bringing your child into this world should be done gently and carefully. Of all the books thus far, Sarah did a great job of not only explaining all the choices for a mother to make during her pregnancy but she provided the scientific research as well.
The research she provided had just completely opened your eyes on every statement she wrote about pregnancy. Why would it make your eyes go bigger or make your brain start working a bit more? Well because you began to notice all the information that she provided you with was information that the world would tend to keep from you.
If you are an expecting mother, I would recommend this book to you because of all the information you will take in. This book I would say is the starting point for any mother to get really involved in their pregnancy, with not only the information you receive but it will help you to start researching beyond what you thought you were capable of. Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering is a book of so much knowledge and truth, and you shouldn't wait to get your hands on it!
Ancient Map for modern birth
“Ancient Map for Modern Birth” by Pam England is a very well written book that prepares any mother and supporter emotionally and mentally in a way that many others have not come close to. The way that Pam had titled this book is exactly what you expect to read. For many years women and expectant mothers have been trained to know how to prepare for a child, how to conceive a child and even what to get for a child. Though if you think about it, how many times were you prepared spiritually and emotionally for the journey you were to embark on and the transition of chaos to peace of mind.
Pam England offers such a unique perspective on all that she wrote from a mothers perspective but also from the perspective of being a certified nurse midwife. The way that she brought up each new topic was incredibly welcoming. This book creates such a safe atmosphere that any mother would feel welcomed reading it from mothers who want home births to mothers who want hospital births. This book was written to help all mothers in any stage of pregnancy they were at.
The light that she shed from this book will forever be a part of anybody who reads her book. I recommend this book to every expecting mother, not only because knowledge is crucial but because every mother and every woman should understand that the emotional, spiritual, and mental part of pregnancy and childbirth is just as crucial as knowing all the options you have to deliver your child.
Birth As an American rite of passage
“Birth As An American Rite of Passage” written by Robbie E Davis Floyd is a book that could potentially change the approach and meaning of birth for the rest of your life. Instantly many notice that Davis-Floyd titled the book with the word rite and not right. Rite is an act rather than a right that is morally correct. Just with the title itself of the book, you know that you will learn so much about birth not as something that is morally correct for the world but as birth being an act and a social custom of this world.
Reading this book, Davis-Floyd talks you through everything starting from the full year of being a mother - many forget that the pregnancy takes nine months but the three months after are just as crucial as the first nine, moving into the obstetric training and education itself and what our doctors were taught. The amount of knowledge and information Davis-Floyd had put into this book, it is shocking that more people do not know about this book.
“Birth As An American Rite of Passage” an amazing book that one day will change the world and the women's beliefs in how birth should be cared for. If you read this book, I have no doubt you will get the reassurance you need to achieve birth in the way that many have already had. Not only expectant mothers but all those who are involved in the medical field of obstetrics and caring for women as well. Thank you Davis-Floyd for this amazing book.